Section VIII - Help & Support
This section is sort of reference section for people who run into problems, looking for tweaks, how to go about testing, some useful links, etc. etc.
I recommend you read this section thoroughly as it contains some useful information that may save you headache down the road. But even a guide can't answer all the questions so if you're still having trouble you could load up an already made waypoint and checkout how to do certain things, or you can ask for help on the Fritzbot forums mention below in the links section.
Testing Waypoints
So you've created you're first waypoint, the best thing to do is to beta test before release so you can iron out any and possibly all bugs that are in you're waypoint file. You can ask for help beta testing from a friend or whatever to help you find, locate and eliminate bugs. Even though play testing and fixing bugs is very efficient there are some bugs that can slip through the cracks, so be ready to possibly receive bug reports and/or suggestions even after first release. Also keep in mind that Fritzbot is still in Beta so it also contains bugs as well that could sometimes be confused with waypointing bugs or vice versa. Below are a few methods you can use to test out you're waypoints, keep in mind there is other ways of course so try whichever you find works best for you.
The first testing method you can use is to just simply play the map like normal and observe the bots behaviors while you play, simple enough and you get to have fun doing it. The second option is to fly around in spectator mode as a spectator. You can follow the bots individually using this method as well. The last method involves using console commands and you must be in devmap mode to use them. To being, run Fritz like normal than load you're map using the devmap console command mentioned in section one. Once in game with the bots running around open the console and enter the following commands, pressing enter after each one. /cg_thirdperson 1, /cg_thirdpersonrange 150 and /timescale 2 (a value of 1 turns the timescale back to normal, the timescale increases the speed of the game) After completing a match you're game will return to normal.
Fritzbot Tweaking
Well in a perfect world everyone would be able to run RTCW with no hitches but it's not a perfect world and persons waypointing with very old machines may experience slowdowns. So we're going to go through a command you can enter to possibly increase the FPS so you can effectively waypoint as well as some pointers.
The first is /node_drawDist this command will set the draw distance for the nodes, actions & routes. By default it's set at 512, but i find a value of 256 helps, you can lower or increase this as you like but don't go any lower than 128 and don't go higher than 1024. To change the draw distance to say 128 instead of 512, while in game open the console and enter the command /node_drawDist 128 then hit enter, you're draw distance should now be 128 units. This sometimes helps in increasing FPS.
Another way to increase frames per second for waypointing is to backup you're existing wolfconfig_mp.cfg file in the fritzbot folder and then starting a new one from scratch just for waypointing. For this config for the in game options just turn all graphic options down as far as they'll go and you're guarenteed to et a massive frame increase. When you're done waypointing move you're backed up copy of you're previous config file back to the fritzbot directory.
There's other way's i'm sure, but those are just a couple quick a easy options you can use to accomplish tweaking for waypointing maps.
Troubleshooting FAQ
For those little error's you keep getting in the console this is a little FAQ's to help you solve those little oversights so read on. It's hard to recall the EXACT error messages you can receive but I'll do my best to get them as close as possible. While you could receive a multitude of error's waypointing, I will cover the most crucial ones.
Q: I keep getting "Bots Have No Valid Goals In This Map" errors in the console.
A: Usually it'll mention which bot is complaining about not having any goals, this will help narrow it down to which class doesn't have any goals. The reason you're getting this error is because there isn't enough actions for the bots during a particular group ID. You got to understand that once a bot reaches an action it considers itself to have completed that action if there's no other action to perform, he'll just stand around doing nothing. Remember the bots don't go anywhere unless there's a valid action. To alleviate this problem you could place a couple additional roam/patrol actions for the particular group ID their having troubles with so it'll give them something to do.
Q: The console keeps saying that "There is no script file available the bots may not perform well with this map" type errors after I load a map.
A: That means Fritzbot could not locate an AI script file for the given map, you'll need to create one to fix this problem.
Q: I keep getting "Line{21} - Invalid Action ActivateAction" error in the console after loading the map.
A: This means there is an error in your AI script file, it's an invalid command and you'll need to fix it. Remember the variables in the script file are case sensitive.
Q: I'm getting an error that says something like "This node has the max # of links already, need at least 2 valid nodes for this script CMD to work" after destroying an objective.
A: This means that you're trying to connect two nodes after an objective has been destroyed but one of the nodes doesn't have any available link (or both). Remember one single node can only be connected to 4 other nodes at a single time. So remove one of the links for the node(s) that is having problems.
Q: After I entered a command in the console the game crashed.
A: Double check the command you're trying to enter, sometimes if you enter the wrong command it'll crash wolfenstein.
Q: When I try placing an action I keep getting "Action needs to be next to a node" type error and it won't place the action.
A: Actions need to be located near nodes in order to be placed on the map.
Q: After entering a command for a node or action I keep getting "NODE DOES NOT EXIST!!!" errors in the console.
A: Double check the node/action number you're entering, if you try entering a wacky node or action number it'll give you this error.
Q: After loading the map the bots just stand around cheering and not doing anything.
A: This is to indicate that there is no valid AI script and/or valid waypoint available for the bots. They'll also do this if the map has no valid actions as well.
Q: Whenever I play test my waypoint, it'll play fine but then the game will slowdown to like 1FPS and be all choppy.
A: Either a bot is getting stuck somewhere or is trapped somewhere and can't get out, placing a path out of the location the bot is trapped will alleviate this problem. Be careful though, if you're using an archaic machine it could just simply be a video related problem and you may be running RTCW with too high of graphic settings remember Fritz takes a bit of PC resources to run.
Q: When a bot reaches and objective he just stands their and doesn't perform the specified task to complete the objective, what's going on?
A: MAKE SURE you have the entity number set for the given action if it's an action for a objective. If there is no entity number the bots won't use the action.
Q: Whenever I playtest my waypoint the bots reach a certain point and the game will crash.
A: Double check the settings for the action/node that's making the game crash, correct them if need be. This can be a tricky error as well, because it could be something wrong in RTCW or the map or you could have an early patch for RTCW installed or incorrect settings for many other nodes, it could be many other things.
Q: After loading RTCW and I start playing the bots jump around and fly up in the air and they over jump nodes and it's just really messed up.
A: This is a rare problem that we don't know the cause of yet. The only effective way to fix it that we found so far is to reinstall RTCW. Also make sure you're sv_pure setting is set properly.
If you run into any problems not mentioned above, feel free to stop into the Fritzbot Message Boards (link below) and ask for help and we'll help you as best as we can. Try to be descriptive as possible when describing you're problem and please be courteous to those who are offering help.
Misc. FAQ
This part of the section deals with just some miscellaneous questions and such that you may ask or have asked. There's not much to this section but it's alright for additional info.
Q: Can I update already made waypoints and release them on the internet?
A: That's up to the author of the waypoint, you'll have to talk to them about it. It's very insulting to do so without contacting the author first though so I don't recommend you do it without permission first.
Q: Where do I download the waypointing tools from?
A: They come coded with Fritzbot so just download the latest release.
Q: How long does it take to waypoint a map roughly, also how hard is it?
A: It depends on the map really. As for difficulty it depends on the map as well and you're waypointing skill. You're skill will increase overtime and it'll vary in difficulty however it may be difficult to grasp how to waypoint at first and that's natural.
Q: Isn't waypointing for maps breaking the author's disclaimer?
A: I don't see how, I mean we're not altering the actual map and re-releasing it (although modified map script and arena files may be borderline) Although if an author requested us not to path his/her map then I would comply but it should be alright. If anything it increases popularity for their map if you look at it in that light.
Q: Do I have to be a part of the Fritzbot community to waypoint?
A: That's up to you actually, it would be a good idea and would help keep you're creations circulating amongst the actual Fritzbot users but you don't absolutely have too.
Q: Can I create waypoints for mod maps, like Degeneration, etc.?
A: Nope, you can only create waypoints for regular Return to Castle Wolfenstein maps.
Q: I created a path file for mp_<mapname> in objective mode, can I path the Checkpoint version as well?
A: No you can't, you can only path one so you'll have to decide if you want to path the checkpoint version or the objective version.
Q: This waypointing stuff is confusing, I've read the guide and I still don't understand something, where do I turn to for additional help.
A: Feel free to post a message on the Fritzbot Message Boards (link below) with you're question(s).
Q: I still don't get it, can you teach me how to waypoint through MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, etc. messaging programs?
A: Nope!
Q: I found a bug with the waypoint system, where do I submit it?
A: Go to the Fritzbot Message Boards and post a message to Maleficus and he'll look into it.
Q: Okay I've finished and packed up my waypoint, where can I upload it?
A: Feel free to send it to one of the Fritzbot Team Members and we'll find someway to host it for you and everyone else. You can also upload attachments with you're posts on the Fritzbot Message Boards, that's another way of sharing them. Alternatively you could get a free Tripod or Yahoo site and just setup you're own waypointing page for people to download you're waypoints.
Q: Will this guide be updated regularly with new information?
A: Yes it will so be sure to check it often.
Q: Do I have to waypoint to play Fritzbot? Will unwaypointed maps work with bots?
A: You don't have to waypoint to play Fritzbot, the official releases come with maps that are fully waypointed and various community & official waypointers will be creating waypoints for maps all the time. To answer the second question, no the bots won't work unless the map has a completed waypoint including script and all other files.
Q: How come you didn't insert pictures for some sections of the guide?
A: Some examples did not require them, I tried including pictures for the more complex stuff so you can get a general idea of what things are suppose to look like in game.
Q: Will you translate this guide to other languages?
A: No, sorry.
Q: This is the worst guide ever!, Thanks for nothing!, You're grammar and spelling sucks!, etc.
A: Whatever, it wasn't easy writing it and it may be kind of vague here and there and yeah it does contain improper writing etiquette and some misspelled words but I don't really care I don't find the grammar and spelling that big of an issue. So I don't know what to tell you, like it or love it that's up to you I'm not writing another one.
Q: You're Guide ROCKS!!!! I found it very informative and helped out bunches, thank you!
A: Good to hear and you're welcome, enjoy waypointing. :)
I'll add other FAQ's as I think of them for additional FAQ you can check the Fritzbot Wiki (linked below) for some additional FAQ.
Useful Links
Here's the final section of this guide. A accumulation of useful links that may help you in one way or another, of course this isn't all the useful links known to man but when in doubt use Google.
Fritzbot Related Links
Fritzbot Wiki (aka Fritzbot User's Guide)
RTCW Information Sites
Map Site Links
Game Of The Year Edition Map Pack
Other Informative RTCW sites
Thank you for taking the time to checkout the guide, I hope everyone finds this helpful and i look forward to seeing some great waypoints, good luck in you're waypointing endeavors and feel free to check back at this guide for new or additional information.